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Monday, May 16, 2011

On A Serious Note

This town was completely leveled tonight by a forest fire that spread with the help of 100 kph winds. The video below is from a cellphone as a guy was narrowly escaping. 
If this town is safe to return to, there will be absolutely nothing left- the high school, police station, town hall, radio station, and hundreds of homes and businesses have all burned to the ground. 

The town's name is Slave Lake and instead of using Google, a ton of people tonight have joked about the town's First Nations name. You know, us Canucks and our sense of humour. 

This is serious- thousands of people have lost their homes and workplaces. For those of you who care about the price of auto gas, these fires very well could hit Fort McMurray and all her precious oil. And if you bothered to Google it, you'd know that the world slavee means strange.  

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