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Monday, September 21, 2009

Skin Scare

There has been some debate about whether or not the famous and deliciously dark alter their complexions to appear "fairer" does occur . It's become commonplace for Indo and Middle-Eastern folks to request pigmentation , or lack thereof in personal ads , and the world's largest skin care barons , such as Garnier and Nivea are out to make a buck not only capitalizing on , but promoting an insecurity that just shouldn't happen in our age of understanding .

While most common in Asia and Northern Europe , I've seen these potions sold on our side of the pond as well and if you think that Hollywood hasn't gotten wind of these things , you have GOT TO BE BLIND .
I'm not going to fire out names because some folks might just have "good" racist makeup artists , but some people are actually using this stuff because it WORKS . It's a combination bleach and uber-sunscreen that doesn't work in 20 seconds , but will in 20 days .

Nobody knows for sure if this self-loathing-in-a-tube causes permanent damage to the follicles , but it does reinforce a dangerous lie .

When are YOU going to line up to degrade your beautiful ancestry ?

Artificiality sells . Everyone in the pool .


  1. When I was a kid I would have sold my soul to get some of this and dull out the freckles on my face.

    And I would have regretted it my whole life.

    Sad thing is ... most of these women are DAMN fine before they start this crap.

  2. I DO get it . I avoided the sun and my stepdad tried to bathe me in piping water and scrub for me to be as fair as my siblings .
    And that ain't fair .
    Love from within , my friend.


Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think