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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work

Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell has become something of a costly production, with focus groups and senate hearings drawing repeal into a lengthy process. But while DADT was in full effect ruining the lives of patriots your tax dollars were being spent on at least one ship promoting homophobia and a general frat boy mentality.

In 2006 and 2007, your renowned nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise  was stationed in support of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq with its air crew flying monster bombing missions. One would think that it would be time for seriousness, but it wasn't in then Executive Officer Capt. Honors' comedy land. What you are about to see was recorded and edited on military equipment during wartime, with multiple characters played by the man who now commands the Enterprise. XO Movie Night happened at a clip of approximately one per week, with videos broadcast across the ship's entire closed-circuit network.

The videos were produced with military equipment using multiple editing and filming techniques. All filming took place on the Enterprise, with the majority occurring in the Persian Gulf during active bombing missions. Complaints were made, which Capt. Honors mocks in several later flicks including this one. Keep in mind that this is the guy who is numero uno on a carrier set to redeploy this month.

Read the whole story here

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