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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh Canada - How Could You?:?

On thurdsay a first-class shitstain got paroled - released to the public . Doesn't sound too unusual so far ... except for this guy is a convicted multiple child rapist who should have been deported . Farid Noedost came to Canada as a refugee from Iran 13 years ago and was granted permanent immigrant status which would normally still allow him to be deported for being a dickweed.
within a few years he became something of a known drug dealer and con man running dial-a-crack schemes in winnipeg and was arrested and fined several times for such behaviour . Eventually he was arrested for drugging and raping 15 and 16 year old girls on camera as well as possessing 133 crack rocks and threatening to rape and murder a female Police officer. He got a lousy 3 year hit for the crimes and was granted an early out even though the judge claimed him to be a danger to children and - get your fucking head around this - HE CANNOT BE DEPORTED TO IRAN BECAUSE HE "CONVERTED" TO CHRISTIANISTY IN PRISON and Iranians don't really look kindly on apostasy ; in an extreme instance , he could see the nasty end of a sniper rifle for it.
Now , don't think Canada is soft when it comes to places that will execute people , because , Charles Ng is sitting on Death row in California after we kicked his ass out . He tried pulling the refugee crap too . Now in fuckhead Farid's case , he was a Geneva convention Refugee prior to all his mess and we actually do adhere to the Conventions ; however - there IS an out - if the Federal Public Safety Minister declares him to be a dangerous offender , Farid Noedost could get the boot.
Can you think of a case that deserves the exception more than this?

To contact Peter Van Loan , Public Safety Minister :
Minister of Public Safety
House of Commons
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A6 or EMAIL

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